Monday, April 27, 2009


Hey, did you hear that Stevie has a new blog? YEAH! its awesome. Go see it and leave her some comments and email her to tell her what you think. She'd love that. REALLY!

Oh and if you have her in an RSS feed, you should update that, too.

GO! Why are you still here?! Go see!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Molly - 1 Whole Year Old

... and a little more. I'm a bit behind on the blogging, but catching up soon! :) I just had to show you the supa-model that Miss Molly has become.

A bow! We did it! :)

Obligatory at the butterfly house. Really.

Come back here you!

Mmm hmm.. those are baby Vans. With monkeys on them.

A snug from Dad.

See?! Monkeys! Love it.

Well thats probably the last of the 'mostly stationary' Molly. She'll be cruising around bipedal in no time - puttin' those shoes to good use. :) Can'twaitforit.

New Website!

Yay! I'm getting a new website!! It might be down for a bit while the transition happens and it might be blank a bit until I fill it in. :)

Hang out! I'll be up soon! In the meantime, you can email me at sraumschuh-at-yah00-d0t-c0m.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Lucy and Craig

YAY for Spring! OMG how I get so tired of the cold weather, it seems, faster every year. Luckily I have lovelies like Lucy and Craig to help get me through the last frigid days. We braved the cold one sunny morning to get the way-cute engagements you're about to enjoy. :)

Early morning shadows. :)

Sunflare - in winter!

I had a good time with the shadows that day.

The church her parents were married in! We snuck in. :)

Our red noses were worth it! See you guys in July!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Welcome Katherine!

Congratulations to Kim and Michael on their newest addition - Katherine Nicole, born 02/11/09, at 7:37pm, weighing 8 lbs. 10 oz. I know Ana will be a wonderful big sister!

Enjoy the slideshow!

Monday, February 16, 2009

My Love

Valentine's day was low key for us. And really, I wouldn't have it any other way. Josh got me some crazy good brownies but otherwise we just spent the day together. Maybe its cliche, but here's the great part: Every day feels like Valentine's day to me. Anyone that knows us knows that we are nothing if not for each other. He makes my life happy, my future bright and my world a little better. I try not to take for granted how lucky I am to have another love me as much as he does and I hope someday he'll be able to know just how grateful I am for that.

I hope you got to spend a great day with someone you love this weekend. And if you were lucky enough to get that 'sparkly' gift this year, call me! :)

Photo by my great friend KP.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

2009 Orchid Show

Last weekend I got to go to the Orchid show at the MO Botanical Gardens! YAY! I totally spaced and missed last year's so I'm really happy I got a chance to see it this year. And it did not disappoint! Its one of the best displays they put on, in my opinion, and a photographer's dream! :) If you get a chance to check it out, I highly recommend.

The slideshow of my fav's for you. If you'd like to see it ginormous, go here.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Stacy and Joe's Wedding - 12.31.08

How was YOUR New Year's Eve? Mine was spent shooting the most FABULOUS New Year's Eve Wedding in town! I seriously had so much fun with Stacy and Joe and their family and friends, I can't imagine a better way to ring in 2009.

(Side Note: I know I've been totally MIA from the blog. :( Busy times! I promise to try harder. We cool? Great. Now, on with wedding fantastic-ness. )

Stacy was just glowing! I love a happy bride!
Since the wedding was going to be getting over when the sun was going down, Stacy and Joe opted to see each other before the ceremony (Which I LOVE!) so we could spend some time getting great shots of them and their friends.

The first look - I love how thrilled Joe looks here.

We went to the old Courthouse downtown. Lovely in there during the day!
Joe looking dashing.
And I couldn't decide my favorite of these two of Stacy... I'll let you decide.

And then there's this. :)

Really cool staircase.
After, we took over the Flamingo Bowl on Washington! Such a cool place - very retro, hip feel.
And I love all the color!

Ok I totally caught this. They were plotting the whole time!

Awesome round church!

Nice turnout. :)

Officially official.
And Boy do these guys know how to make an entrance!

Oh, I could've watched them dance all night. They're so connected, it was like they were just dancing and laughing in Joe and Stacy world.

Aaaanndd... the party people. ALL OF THEM. OMG!

The BIG KISS at Midnight! Happy New Year!
Love it! Love you guys! Loved being a part of your day and love your pictures. Hope you love them too. Another big hug and huge thanks to Kelly of Kelly Park Photography for rocking my world, yet again.

Enjoy your slideshow, I sure do. :)

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